
We hope you'll find this to be a space where we share updated information about gluten-free living and eating AND where we all can share information, so please feel free to comment on posts or email us information you think should be included. Be sure to check out our sister site: BmoreGfree.com So that's that. Enjoy!

Gluten Free Beer

For those of you who thought that beer was out of the question:  Well you are wrong.  Anheuser-Busch, Inc. manufactures a gluten-free beer:  Redbridge.  It's made from Sorghum, which does not contain gluten, so it's safe for all of those who are gluten-intolerant.

(I've asked those who can eat gluten to try Redbridge Beer, and I've been told that it's ok -- some even prefer it...)


  1. meh, it's ok. I had my first one tonight. I prefer(ed) wheat beers and porters. This is more of an Ale. Pretty good though, but I fear a bit boring after a while. But heck, it's beer!

  2. This tasted so much better than some gluten free Belgium Amber I had recently. And I prefer beer over woodchuck cider so I am pretty please to find Redbridge. Nice to taste something "normal" in the g free world!!! When I travel up to Baltimore this weekend, I hope to find Redbridge at the bars.


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